2023 | Book Reviews & Recommendations

Find out what my top book recommendations are for 2023, and read the reviews of the books I finish.


Will I beat last year's total of 24? Stay tuned to find out!

book cover of THe Fifith Woman by Henning Mankell
book cover of A Golden Age by Tahmima Anam with image of a womens face in profile

book cover of paradise by toni morrison
Book cover of the order of the day by Éric Vuillard. Black and white photo of Hitler standing over a desk

harry potter and the chamber of secrets book cover
book cover of a face, using different colours and the title of the book in white letters

Copy of Spies and Traitors lying on drak grey material
The Collector by John Fowles lying on dark grey material

book lying on blue fabric
book cover of Black Dogs by Ian McEwan lying on blue material

Percival Everett's book, The Trees lying on blue fabric

Hand holding the book, The Director by Brendan Nash
Book cover of the Prisone of Azkaban on top of a blue piece of material

This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein lying on wooden floor

Book cover of Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang on blogandbooks spiral background
Book cover of Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams with blog and books logo as background

Book cover of The Last devil to Die by Richard Osman on the Blog and Books grey spiral background
Book cover of Doppelganger by Naomi Klein on the Blog and Books grey spiral background

Book cover of Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire on blog and books grey spiral background
The Post_office Girl by Stefan Zweig on the Blog&Books spiral background

Read the Printed Word!

blog and books spiral logo
black outline instagram logo