Posts tagged with "politics"

Blog Post | Of Misogyny And Men
War, hunger, billionaires hoarding wealth, and America re-electing a convicted felon. The world burns while patriarchy cheers. Satire meets reality in this brutally honest year-end recap.
Blog Post | Oh, The Humanity!
Is humanity reaching it's twilight phase or will we work together to find a way and redeem ourselves?

Blog Post | Fun In The Sun
In this blog post I delve into the scorching topic of the heatwaves engulfing Europe and beyond. I also navigate the complexities of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and offer my own perpsective on the unfolding events.
Blog Post | A Change Is Gonna Come?
As Angela Merkel steps down, who will form the new German Government and will policy triumph over ego?

Blog Post | A Divided World
Blog | Opinion & Tech · 28.07.2021
In this post I dive into the complex realm of online extremism and look at how YouTube became the preferred tool for radicalization.
Blog Post | January Blues
Has the new year gotten off to a good start? 2021 begins with the Capitol building being stormed. Is this an omen of what is to come?

Blog Series | The Far-Right
The rise of the far-right in Europe evokes memories of our darkest hours, ones we hoped would never be repeated.
Blog Series | Femicide
In Part 1 of this Blog Series, I will be looking at violence against women and girls and the unsettling trend of the rising number of femicides in Europe.

Blog Post | The Data You Give
Blog | Opinion & Tech · 20.01.2020
My opinion about how valuable our data really is to those in charge.
Blog Post | Our Filter Bubbles
Blog | Opinion & Tech · 13.01.2020
A look into the language that is helping to shape our political opinions in the internet age.